I am so excited because we scheduled our Initial Consult for IVF on May 6, 2008 at the
Utah Center for Reproductive Medicine. There are only 2 reproductive clinics in the Salt Lake area. It is hard to know which clinic to go with but since our insurance is through the U our initial consult fee ($395) will be covered. In addition a girl in my nursing program used to work there and said only great things about the staff, facility and doctors. Colin's good friend also went to this clinic for infertility problems and is now pregnant. She loved the doctors and staff as well. So we feel good about our decision to meet with them.

Prior to the consult I needed to have a Pap smear (never something to look forward to) and blood work to test for immunity to rubella, blood type & Rh. I went to my OB/GYN who was very supportive of my plans for IVF and wrote all the orders I needed so my insurance would cover everything. I also got a prescription for prenatal vitamins - PrimaCare One. I am happy because they have omega-3 fatty acids (both DHA and EPA) which supports neurological development in a growing baby. (
I went to a great lecture a few weeks ago about the importance of DHA and EPA for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Since then I have begun to buy products that have more in them like eggs, milk even wheat torillas.) I have to warn you though, at the expense of sounding gross, prenatals alter your GI system and its not very fun. Colin thinks that my body will adjust with time and everything will go back to normal. I sure hope he is right.
One month seems like so far away but I know I need to just get through the rest of the semester, get all my assignments in, pass my finals and then our appointment will be here in no time. I am so excited to make this process real!
That's so exciting!!
That's the prenatal that I took with Audrey. I tried several samples, but I just couldn't do twice a day and some of them tasted fishy. I liked it though I didn't notice a change in GI function. Must have had other things going on and didn't notice.
Best wishes by the way!
We wish you both the best! We'll keep cheking to see how you're doing.
- Sandra & Broc
I'm so happy for you guys! I can't believe that it's finally getting underway!
Hey Brekke! I am so glad you found our blog! How are you guys doing? Colin says Hi! I have decided to take the prenatal every other days at least for a few weeks to give my body time to adjust even though I know you aren't supposed to. Opps!
Hey Sandra! I am glad you found our blog! We are sad that you are moving. I wish we had more time to hang out. You'll do great in VA though, good luck!
Your body will adjust but then once you are pregnant it will adjust again....ahhh the joys of pregnancy! I'm so excited for you guys to start on this adventure! I'm here for ANY questions you might have!!!
Much love and hope!
I am so happy for you guys. My husband has CF also, and we will be starting IVF this September, so I am right there with you! I plan on staying posted with your blog, as you guys experience what we will soon be going through. It's so interesting to find people in our exact situation!
Heard about your site from Julie--best wishes on your journey! My husband has CF too...we don't have kids and are undecided about that in the future, but are thinking about the different options. I wish you the best!!
Hi Mandy and Colin,
I got your link from Julie on the cf forum boards. I am married to Dustin with CF and we are at the very very beginning stages of IVF. We just got married last August,and have just started to look around for ways to finance IVF. We also just started a blog, and would love to share with you guys. Please feel free to check it out, i must warn you - We JUST started it.
Good Luck with your meeting, i am excited to read all about it.
Also, my email is SaraDashner@yahoo.com if you ever want to chat! Here is the link to our Blog.
Julie, Nycole, Lisa & Sara~
I am so glad you found my blog! I am so happy to know that I have so much support from women who have similar struggles as I do. I am encouraged by all of you. Thanks for posting on my blog and I hope we can get to know each other more.
aw i am so happy for you! you know exactly how i feel about all this ;). im on your side cheering!
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