Wednesday, September 10, 2008

One Step Closer

It has been quite a while that any progress has been made toward IVF but I finally have some news. I was so happy when my menstrual cycle was 1 week early because it meant I could go and see my doctor that much earlier.
Yesterday I went in for my IVF appt. to get a map of my uterus, a trial transfer and be put on birth control. For some reason I was so nervous before the appt. because I thought it was going to be a lot worse then it really was. From the time the doctor began the ultrasound and trial transfer to the end was only about 10 minutes. During the trial transfer I felt a lot of discomfort and my uterus was cramping pretty bad from the pressure but it didn't last long. Thankfully Colin was there with me to remind me to breath, for some reason I kept holding my breath. It was very reassuring to have Doctor Gibson tell me how healthy my uterus and ovaries were. After Doctor Gibson was done he went to find out what Colin's FSH level was. He came back to tell us that his FSH level was excellent and that he was very confident that the testicular biopsy will go well. Then he prescribed me birth control. I asked if it would also help my acne, which he said it would. I am very happy to start the birth control to clear up my skin and because it means we are one step closer to doing a cycle of IVF. We told him that we are still waiting to hear back about our scholorship but as soon as we do, we are ready to start the medications and prepare for our first cycle. So here we are, we have done everything we have needed to in preparation for our IVF cycle and things are in place ready to go. Now we just wait some more. I understand that timing is not in my control and I have to exercise faith and trust that it will all happen exactly when it needs to.
As we shook Dct. Gibson's hand goodbye I felt a lump in my throat and tears swell up in my eyes. I tried to hold my tears back like a dam as he left the room but I know he saw. I couldn't help but feel such strong emotions as he reassured us that things looked great for both of us to successfully have a child that is part Colin and part me. How could you not have such strong feelings of joy and humility? I don't care how, I just care that we will one day be blessed to hold OUR baby in our arms.


Emily and Aaron Carter said...

I'm so glad that everything is going smoothly. I know this is a long road for you both but for some reason I totally have faith that IVF will work for you. One question, how does going on birth control help? Is it just so you have an exact schedule to menstruate? Can they take you off birth control and 2 weeks later do invitro?

Lisa said...

That is very exciting! So glad to hear that it is working out and you have a great uterus :)


Sara and Dustin said...

Mandy, I think we just had basically the same appointments! I am so excited for you guys....!!!!!

Christensen's said...

Yeah! I am glad you were able to get this appointment out of the way! How exciting!! You are now one step closer! Keep me posted:)

Lauren said...

Amazing Mandy. Good luck and we'll be praying for you.

Misty said...

Hi, Mandy!

I found you from Janica's blog, and am tearing up just reading all your posts. My husband and I tried for 5 years and weren't able to get pregnant on our own. We met with Dr. Gibson at the U and were blessed to receive the Miracle Fund. Today, we have 15-month old twin boys, thanks to IVF. I know it is a long, crazy process and the timing has to be so perfect, so it can get frustrating at times, but hang in there! Heavenly Father's timing is always better than ours, even when it doesn't feel that way! Good luck with everything, and thank you for sharing all of your experiences. It has helped me remember our process and be grateful all over for the Tender Mercies in our lives.

Julie said...

I am so glad that the appointment went well. I know how hard waiting is, just hang in there. It will happen, some way, some how!

LBP said...

Hi Mandy

I found you on a msn search for "miracle fund ivf utah"! I am a week behind you in IVF. I met with Dr. Gibson yesterday for my initial consultation. Anyways, check out my blog. I would love to hear from you and possibly email!

Nycole said...

My name is Nycole. Julie gave me a link to your blog a few months ago. My husband has CF, and we are actually in the exact same stage of IVF as you guys are.

I was wondering- what is the name of the procedure that they are doing for Colin for his sperm retrieval? Our fertility doctor has given us a few options, but tells us that we have to go see a urologist for him to simply tell us which procedure to do (which of course is a $200 answer/appointment). What are you guys doing- MESA/PESA/TESE/Non surgical sperm aspiration? Just wanted an idea, would you mind emailing me?

Thanks and good luck! I don't know anyone else in a remotely close situation to us, so it's really refreshing to hear your story! Thanks!


S said...

Mandy, my eyes were tearing up just reading about it, so it's no surprise you're feeling a little emotional! I'm so glad everything looks good, I'm so excited for you guys! And waiting is the worst, I'm sorry you guys have to wait to even start! Curse the gift/trial of patience and everything you have to learn from it!

Unknown said...

I'm os happy for you two! I know this is a touchy subject, and you don't have to answer, but how did you guys afford this?
We have been trying for 4 years. My husband has %1 motility and a low sperm count. I'm 29, and he is 33. We are young, but if is frustrating!