Wow, I can't believe its been 1 month since I've posted last. It's gone by fast. Yesterday we had a doctor's appt. and everything is looking good. We get one more ultrasound next visit. Last ultrasound at 20 weeks our little girl was measuring about 8 days behind her gestational age so they just want to make sure she is continuing on target at the 28 weeks appt. I don't mind, I love getting ultrasounds - its so fun to see her grow.
Since my last post:
I have really started feeling our little girl move around. The best way to describe her movement is flutters. I don't notice her much during the day when I am moving around but usually at night when I am lying in bed or sitting around. Our doctor said I will even start feeling her more from here on out as she gets bigger.
I feel really good. I do feel pregnant though and symptoms that come along with getting bigger. My back hurts if I am on my feet too long, I am more easily tired, I wake up to go to the bathroom every night and sometimes can't fall back asleep because I my mind starts going a mile-a-minute about what I need to do. Overall though I am able to work, do my chores and errands, walk the dog etc. Very grateful to feel good.
I have been nesting like crazy. I am organizing random boxes in our storage, cleaning out cupboards, organizing drawers. I want everything to be in perfect order when she comes. I even tore up all the carpet in her room because we are putting in laminate wood floors. That took a toll on my back, I don't recommend it for other pregnant women.
We got a stroller and car seat (thanks to my generous mother-in-law) and crib. Her bedding is picked out and now I need to pick a paint color so Colin can get her room painted before it gets too cold.
Meanwhile Colin is feeling pretty good, staying healthy. He'll probably have to go in for a hospitalization this winter so we are thinking of having him go before our baby comes. We'll see, just trying to keep him healthy. He is such a hard worker with a full-time job and working on his masters. And he still finds time to watch football....jk He talks to our little girl every night before bed. He is so excited to be a daddy.
Work for me is good but it is really starting to mess with my mind because we are delivering babies that are my same gestational age and it is scary. I think every little thing is going to make me go into premature labor. Colin keeps me grounded though and I am just trying to stay positive!
That's the update. More for my record keeping than anything. I hope to post pictures soon.