After being convinced by a friend I decided to take a hypnobirthing class. To clear any misconception its not hypnosis its more positive imagery, learning how to relax and breath through the pain etc. They say this method helps prevent preterm labor, where do I sign up?
Colin and I had our 1st of 5 hypnobirthing classes this week. Its every Monday night for 5 weeks. So far so good but I look forward to learning exercises and relaxation techniques in the weeks to come. They gave us a relaxation cd and told us to practice everyday for 10-15 minutes. So Colin and I put the cd on as we were laying in bed 2 nights ago and within 5 minutes he was totally out. I teased him the next day because the cd talks about relaxing your birthing muscles. So far he is the better student, I just can't relax but hopefully with ample practice I can learn how to let go of my worries and fears of giving preterm birth or other complications, thus the point of this class for me.
I think the best thing out of this class will be spending time with Colin in class as we prepare for the wonderful day when our sweetie pie comes to join our family.
My friend did hypnobirthing with both of her kids, just by getting a book, and so she didn't need any meds.
I say, if it works, go for it. And more power to you!
If you want more hypnosis tools check out Hypnobabies. It is a childbirth for hypnosis program that uses medical grade hypnosis, the same depth dentists use.
Good luck!
I did this!!!! I had a great labor!!! Good luck. I always fell asleep listening to the CD also. My favorite were the affirmations.
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