We still have a lot, A LOT, to do before she comes. Slowly we are making progress on her nursery. We decided to put new flooring throughout our house, starting with her room. We have ripped out the carpet, tore up the tack board and taken off the baseboards. Our new flooring isn't here yet and we still need to pick out new baseboards and paint her room before we lay the floors. Let me restate that Colin still needs to paint her room, hahaha!
Here are some pictures of Colin putting together her bookshelf which will double as a changing table
Here are some pictures of her nursery (crib, closet, rocker that is a work in progress)

this is her fairy quilt that is part of her bed set (coordinating crib skirt and fitted sheet) SO CUTE!
How exciting that you're at the 30 week-mark! Your nursery is going to be so cute, I love the bedding. When she comes out you won't miss feeling her move because by then it will feel like she's beating you up from the inside! But it's still really cool and everything.
I stumbled on you blog. May I just say, I love it. I love it because, our story is very much like yours. My husband has CF and we got the IVF grant at the UCRM. Believe it or not, we have two sets of twins.
I hope you don't mind too much that I blog stalked you and read many of your posts. They bring back so many amazing memories and filled my heart with gratitude.
Yea, for IVF! I'm so happy that my husband has had the opportunity to change so many stinky diapers be awakened often in the middle of the night.
I wish you joy and health!
I love that quilt! So, I have been thinking of you a lot lately and still haven't called... sorry! I'm so glad that everything is going well and that you are all healthy. You're getting to the end-it's crazy how fast that was (for me). :) It's funny that you talk about missing the movement because that's what I missed too. The first time I went to the temple after having Grant I started to cry because I loved feeling him move and having him "there" with me. Silly, I know. haha Anyway, you look great-not big! Don't listen to anyone else, you're gorgeous! Love ya Mandy!
Paint the nursry pink! lol. Im glad to see that every thing is going so great for you guys! So do we have a name for Miss. baby Thomas yet? I love your baby bump you look so cute. I need your home address I have gifts for her that i need to mail out!
That is the cutest crib and quilt. I love the closet organization too. You guys are getting close!
Wow - I just saw that you only have 46 days to go. I can't believe it! Good luck getting ready!
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