a sweet husband who lets me cry on his shoulder, makes me laugh, brings me flowers, gives me endless hugs and kisses and gives me the strength to keep going.

a mom who will let me talk about my IVF frustrations at nauseam, cry on the phone as long as I want and never rushes me off, doesn't mind when I am emotional and always knows just the right thing to say to make me feel better

a dad who always calls me and cares about ever little detail in our lives and always makes homemade bread each week

amazing mom and dad-in-law who love and support Colin and I endlessly

brothers and sisters, neices and nephews
friends like you who give me strength through your kind words and positive examples.

chocolate chip cookie dough (that never fails a broken heart)
Wilson Philips song
"Hold on" (I love this song as it brings me back to my childhood and it always comes on the radio just when I need to hear it)
We are glad to see you have such a good support system. You both sound like you have an AWESOME family that is always there for you guys! That is what counts!
Mandy, I'm so sorry about your stuggles. You and Colin are in my prayers. I admire your strength. Good luck and I'm hoping things work out great for you guys.
Thats so nice. Keep thinking of all of those positives, those are what will get you through this!!!
Thank goodness you have such great support from so many people who love you-and want to help you through this trying time of your life!!
It's really sad to hear that everything isn't going the way you want it to. I think you'll look back at the time when it was just you and Colin and be grateful for all the time to got to spend with each other before the baby (and the baby will come). Because once the baby comes, it will never be just you and Colin. I look back at the time when it was just Adam and I and I'm happy that we got to spend those three years with just us to focus on each other and build our relationship.
These struggles will make your love for your child that much stronger, BELIEVE me!! I know it's easy for me to say that, but I have been in your shoes, feeling hopeless and defeated. There will be a reward for you, there will! I will continue to pray for you!
I love this post...and your positive attitude through it all! It sounds like you really do have a great support system to lean on...and the cookie dough will always get you through! :) (With me, it was chocolate pudding...you can't be sad and eat pudding at the same time. I think there's a law about it.) :)
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