I had my 40 weeks doctor's visit today. Still only dilated to a 2 and 50% effaced. A little bummed, was hoping for at least a 3. Mama and baby are well. Baby has a strong heartbeat and is moving a lot. I have a great blood pressure, my urine is free from sugars and protein and my swelling is actually going down a little bit.
I think because we did IVF and my day of conception is EXACT my doctor doesn't want me to go past 41 weeks. So I am scheduled for an induction on Feb 2, 2010 which is 2 days prior to 41 weeks. We decided on Feb. 2nd instead of Feb 4th out of conveince since my mom is driving down from N. Dakaota and since I am sick of being pregnant. I kind of feel guilty for getting an induction, like it is selfish on my part and maybe I should give it the full 41 weeks but since its only 2 days sooner I am rationalizing that its okay. I hope she comes on her own before than though just because natural labor is more desirable.
I officially started my 12-weeks maternity leave. What will I do until she comes? I guess I'll go to the library and get myself a good book. I have already read Babywise cover-to-cover and plan on following it. Any suggestions?
parents in waiting!
cute daddy-to-be!
My budda belly! 40 weeks (39 6/7 weeks to be exact)

the almost complete nursery. I still need to hang all the accessories (pictures & shelf), order the rug and my mom will be making the cushions for the glider when she gets here.