I have only gained 1 lb with this pregnancy so far, they didn't seem concerned but I still am because I want our baby to get everything he/she needs to be healthy. I still have a hard time eating although it is getting better. I feel like I am forcing food down my throat constantly (totally unlike my pre-prego self). But I eat my fruits, veggies, proteins, carbs and dairy and really don't like sugar and candy so I know what I am eating is quality (except for the french fries I had yesterday, ohh they were good).
I did some baby shopping today and bought some toy/rattle things and the CUTEST rocking horse! The best part was I got it 50% off. Love it!

Our next appt is when we find out the gender! Let me know what your guess is. Is it a Thomas baby girl or a Thomas baby boy?
Mand, tons of people lose weight with their first so don't you worry. Your baby will get everything it needs! Eat those french fries, please!! As you're getting your strength back from being so sick you need to eat whatever you feel like for energy. When you gain lots of weight later you will look back on the 1 pound with nostalgia, trust me. :)
I guess it's a boy Thomas baby.
I TOTALLY agree with Mel. You are going to laugh at the time when you only gained a pound. I delivered at 36 weeks and still managed to gain 40. Plus, if you gain less, it's easier to lose, I think.
I guess it's a girl.
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