I had my ultrasound yesterday. The Lupron is working I guess because my ovaries were sufficiently suppressed. As expected my period came this week and so I am right on schedule to start all the stimulating hormone shots on Monday. I will continue to take the Lupron and starting Monday will also take FSH and Repronex (combination drug of FSH and LH). I am working Monday so this should be interesting. Its not only been awkward to go into the bathroom at work at 1pm and give myself the Lupron shot but now I have to do 2 more, so 3 all together. Whatever it takes though.
I will be on all 3 shots until my egg retrieval which will be sometime May 6th, 7th or 8th just depending on my ultrasound May 4th to see how many eggs there are. I wasn't aware until yesterday that I will need to go in for an ultrasound and blood draw everyday starting Monday May 4th until my egg retrieval which is going to be a little difficult since I am scheduled to work that Monday and Tuesday. It will be fine I just have to move my shifts around a bit. Luckily after May 5th I have 12 days off which will give me time to rest before and after the embryo transfer.
The nurse made me a bit nervous about these stimulating hormones because she told me my ovaries will swell and be tender, I may not fit into my clothes, not to do any exercise (even yoga) because it will hurt and could cause ovary tortion (twisting of the ovaries) and worst case scenario I could get ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) which could become an emergency if not treated promptly. It just makes me nervous for the days that I am at work because I am on my feet for 12+ hours. I will just try my best to take it easy, ask for help and try to sit as much as possible but these are hard things to do being a nurse.
We waited so long to start this process and now it feels like it is happeneing so quickly. A little overwhelmed. We are very happy though and doing are best to relax and stay positive! Thanks for all of your support.
yea! It may be a little rough now but its so worth it! Ignacio and I are so excited for you can Colin!
I'm so excited for you Mandy! This is all so cool. I can't wait to hear more. Congratulations!!!
Yay! That is fantastic, it is really rolling along, isn't it? The last few days before retrieval were pretty uncomfortable for me, but I didn't feel like it was anything too unbearable. It does depend on how many eggs you produce though- you could be pretty full! SO awesome Mandy- congratulations!
I had mild OHSS and I lived in drawstring fleece pants from Target!!! I was very full and bloated. Make sure to drink that Gatorade!! This is all so exciting! We are praying for you guys.
Hi, I've been following your story for a few months. I found your blog when I was googling trying to see if I could find my own (my name is Mandy too) I just wanted to let you know that I too was TERRIFIED to start stimming. I started with 275 units of Follistim (did that for 4 days) and because I responded so well I was dropped to 75 units for the next 4 days (and then had my ER). I really didn't have any problems. For me, it was kind of just like normal monthly bloating, I still wore all of my normal clothes and the feeling went away about a day after my ER. I was so scared every step of the way, especially about the ER and ET but (for me) both were extremely easy and I had no problems after either procedure. Just wanted to share my experience and wish you luck!! :)
I know it can all seem so overwhelming and scary. I even bought extra insurance because of all the warnings of OHSS but it never happened. Just try to take it one day at a time and not worry about what's ahead (I know easier said than done!) but that's what helped me get through. :)
Good luck and continued happy thoughts your way!
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