Thursday, July 9, 2009

night shift and a pregnant woman

On Tuesday night I had to work a night shift, 7am-7pm. I had to buck up and do it since it is the only night shift I have to work all month and I hadn't worked one for a whole month prior. It was hard, very, very hard but I made it through somehow. As soon as I got home on Wed. morning I crashed unitl 1pm. I felt awful, ate some lunch and a little while later was throwing up (first real throw-up since being prego). Needless to say I didn't eat much the rest of the day. Finally at 10pm I ate some ckn flavored Top Ramen- managed to keep it down.

Last night I slept 12 hours, woke up today, ate brunch, then went back to sleep for 3 hours! Isn't that insane? It's now 4 pm and I have only been awake 2 hours today with no motivation to do anything so I thought I'd blog about it. I haven't slept that much in my whole life! I don't think they should make pregnant women work night shifts - its just cruel!

I just have to say that Colin and I are so thrilled to become parents. Colin kisses my tummy all the time and talks to our little one. I look at all the beautiful babies around me and am awed at how they started and what they became. I already long to hold our little one (he/she is as big as a lime). All of the pregnancy woes are worth it for sure. I am just really grateful!


Shannon @FairfaceWashcloths said...

Ugh! The night shift sounds awful. Especially when you have so much going on in your body that's making you so tired. Hooray for hours and hours of much needed sleep!!

Mel said...

That is sooooo wrong, Mand. You are a trooper! I think I would've literally crumbled if I had to do that in my first trimester, or anywhere in the pregnancy for that matter. It sounds like that's what happened to you! It makes sense your body would need days to recover from that. I remember thinking how wrong it was to have to get up at 6am while I was teaching and pregnant with Leah- and I wasn't even sick at all with her! Way to be a hard worker and a trooper.