these are our 2 little embryos that we transferred
Tuesday morning we went in for our embryo transfer. Of the 9 that were fertilized 7 made it to day 5. We decided to implant the best 2 and cyropreserve the other 5 for future use. The transfer went smoothly and the doctors and staff were so wonderful to us and did a great job. It was amazing because we got to see our embryos through a microscope displayed on a t.v for us before they were implanted. They were nothing but tiny specs of cells but yet they were ours and it was breathtaking.
When the doctor placed the embryos I was moved to tears (although I stifled them until Colin and I were alone). I never imagined that this was how I would get pregnant but amazing nonetheless and even better because we got to see them at the very beginning of their creation as little balls of cells. How many people get to see that? It is miraculous. As soon as those embryos were inside me I felt relief, like my little babies were safe and right where they belonged, no longer in the lab, they were home.
They gave me valium before the procedure so that I would go home and sleep most of the day, which worked. I was so out of it by the time we got home and almost fell asleep while eating lunch. Colin let me sleep away the afternoon while he did yard work. Then some thoughtful women in our ward brought us dinner. One of the women had just gone through IVF herself and got pregnant. It was cute because she brought a bunch of pineapple (some studies suggest the enzymes in pineapple inhibit the embryo to implant). They brought us a lovely dinner as well as a bouquet of flowers, so sweet! I want to return their kindness, they don't realize how much that meant to both of us.
Our pregnancy test is on May 24th. In the meantime I return to work on Friday and life goes back to normal. The rest is in God's hands. I will do everything in my power to take care of my body and those little guys working really hard to stick around. I promised them if they stick they will have an adorable nursery, can play with Jonas, we will go to Disneyland, see Thomas the Engine and do so many other fun things when they are older! We will continue to pray like crazy.
I'm glad everything went well! That really is so amazing and what a wonderful experience. Those two little people will be so lucky to have you guys as parents. I'm sending fertile thoughts and prayers your way.
I am so happy for you! I am glad to know that the transfer went GREAT!
That's amazing.
How exciting for you!!! Sending "sticky" thoughts your way!!
My husband and I send you our best. We're so hopeful for you. Congrats on such good numbers.
I know the next couple weeks can be tough while waiting for the results but know my thoughts and prayers are with you!
Your little ones are home! :)
yea you guys!!!!!!!!!! congrats on the transfer! we are always praying fou you, im going with sonja sending stick thoughts your way
Hooray! I love reading your blog...it brings back so many memories! Good luck, good luck! The 24th can't get here fast enough!
Fantastic! I am glad everything went well. If you're anything like me, these ten days are going to be torture. I have no advice, because it is soooo hard anticipating, but my one piece of advice is NO MATTER WHAT, don't go buy a home pregnancy test- it will bring nothing but false anxiety because those things are no where near ready to work! I am thinking STICKY thoughts for you and the babes! Have a good week, try to take it easy.
Mandy, I have to ask, is there some part of you that wanted to implant all of them to see if that would up the odds of just one of them taking? But I know no one wants to be the next octomom. I can just see myself saying, try putting one more in there, okay?! Oh, and just one more to make sure.
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